If we can manage a hundred days apart, we can manage a million days together…

The biggest challenge I am facing being out here in San Francisco getting my degree isn’t actual going to school again, ten years after graduating high school, nor is it the actually workload from school, nor coursework and projects. It is being separated from my partner. A man so secure in our love for one an other that he supports me in all my crazy little endeavors, even if it means that we are separated by over 9’000 km for about a hundred days at the time. The decision to take our relationship intercontinentally wasn’t an easy one, and it was the main point that would have held me away from pursuing my further education. That’s when my super-man stepped in and promised that he would wait for me, drunkenly shouting out the words on a crowded dance floor, yodeling along to Mumford and Son’s “I will wait”, and it is a memory I fondly think back to with very mixed emotions. Even as I am writing this I am giggling at the memory, while my eyes fill with tears.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love my man beyond the world, and feel guilty for taking myself away from him for limited time periods, but it is him who is strong enough to be the glue that keeps us together. It is his dedication of waking up at 6 am every morning to speak to me before he is off to work, and I am off to bed. It is his strength of encouraging me when I call him crying and yelling in frustration, which allows me to keep on going, not only with my studies and our very long distance relationship, but in general. He is the strongest person I have ever met, and therefore, this post goes out to you. I salute your strength and your belief in me, even when I don’t believe in myself. I bow to your calmness of our separation, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support.

And at the end of the day, distance doesn’t mean very much when the person you are distanced from means everything.